The Rc Fishing Pole

The Rc Fishing Pole will fit on any Rc Boat! The Rc Fishing Pole is included with all of our rc fishing boats. You can also attach The Rc Fishing Pole on your own rc boat and turn it into a rc fishing boat.

The Rc Fishing Pole fits on any re boat for real fishing

The Rc Fishing Pole attaches on any rc boat without the need for any screws, tools or glue and your rc boat needs no modifications. Included with The Rc Fishing Pole.

The Rc Fishing Pole.
Holders to attach on the boat.
Fishing Line, Bobber, and Hook.
10 sets of Line Release Pads
Rc Fishing World Decal
Illustrated Instruction Sheet


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The Rc Fishing Pole fits on any rc boat for real fishing fun!

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Use our Rc Fishing Products to Catch Real Fish!

Attach your bait, drive the boat out and catch fish, drive them in with the boat. Or use the line release feature to take your line out hundreds of feet and release it anywhere.